Welcome to Age Friendly
Thunder Bay
Age Friendly Thunder Bay supports older adults to live actively, socially engaged, independent lives, and to feel included and valued in our community.
Did you know that Thunder Bay is an official Age Friendly City? We belong to the World Health Organization network, a global voice for healthy and active aging.
What does that mean for you as an older adult? Age Friendly Thunder Bay is passionate about tapping into this movement where seniors of all ages feel valued, secure, included and empowered. This might be safer neighbourhoods, easier access to health care, less isolation and more social time with family and friends.
The vision isn’t ours alone. This is a collective effort with several local organizations as vital partners. Together we are creating opportunities for health, participation and security for a better quality of life for seniors and the community. AFTB reaches its goals through informed policies and program choices.
We actively seek the wisdom of our older adults, the innovation of business leaders, and the dedication of service providers. We count on the support of our political leadership. And of course we ask for your unique perspectives to pave the way for an Age Friendly Thunder Bay.
Join us in this collaboration! How age friendly could we become?

Contact Us
Your requests, questions, and opinions are invaluable to us, serving as a compass guiding Thunder Bay on its journey towards becoming an even more age friendly community. We not only value your input but also thrive on it. Your engagement fuels our dedication to being incredibly responsive and continuously improving. Together, we are sculpting a future where Thunder Bay shines as a beacon of age friendly excellence.
Phone: 807-633-7723
Email: seniors@agefriendlythunderbay.ca